


General information

Pinsk is a city of regional subordination in the center of Pinsk district of the Brest region. Pinsk population is 137 519 people. The name is given due to the location on the river Pina, left tributary of Pripyat. It is a hydronim of the word pin – stop, a marina, a whirlpool in the river, the dam.

Cultural and historical center of Pinsk – Lenin Square – is geographically located on the outskirts of the city and on the banks of the river Pina. Pinsk is one of the most historical and cultural centers of Polesie. It is located in the swamps and forests that have received the name ‘lungs of Europe’. Pinsk is a city with a colourful history and unique attractions and is therefore an attractive prospect for vacation and tourism in Belarus.


History of Pinsk

The story of one of the oldest cities in the country goes all the way to ancient times. First mentioned in 1097, Pinsk has long been a part of the Turov Principality and in the late 12th century became the center of its own specific state. Becoming a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the city developed rapidly due to the fact that it belonged to the famous Queen Bona Sforza for some time. Pinsk was really in its prime in the 19th century where it celebrated becoming a trade and crafts center of the region with powerful factories located within.

In 1793, Pinsk lands were annexed to the Russian Empire and became a part of the Minsk governorship. Three years later it was transformed into the governorship Minsk province, and Pinsk became a district town. Throughout its history, Pinsk repeatedly suffered from wars. It remembers the feudal liberation war (1648-1654), Russian-Polish war (1654 – 1667), the Swedish invasion (1706) and the French invasion (1812). On March 18th 1921, Western Belarus, including the present Pinsk district became part of Poland. On December 4th 1939, Pinsk was formed as its own district center.


Pinsk reference information


Belarusian (latin) Pinsk
Belarusian (cyrillic) Пінск
Russian (latin) Pinsk
Russian (cyryllic) Пинск
Founded 1097
Population 137, 519
Region Brest region
Area ( 50,48 km²
Phone code +375 165
Time zone UTC+3
Postal code 225700, 225710,
License plate 1


Sightseeing in Pinsk

Excursions in Pinsk stand out by its saturation and brightness. This fact is not surprising as the number of preserved architectural monuments and historical buildings is only beaten by Grodno. That is the main reason for the unique atmosphere surrounding the ancient architectural structures and churches decorating the panorama of the city for several centuries.

Travelers will find it interesting not only to walk on these old streets, but also on the Pina embankment, visiting the river station that served during the ancient times. The city’s hallmark is the Jesuit College of the mid-17th century. Today, within the walls of this magnificent architectural monument is the Choreographic School and the Museum of the Belarusian Polesie.

Butrimovich Palace in Pinsk is considered to be one of the brightest examples of architecture of the late 18th century in Belarus. Buildings of ancient monasteries and churches of the city are luckily preserved too and are included in pilgrimage tours.

However, the most valuable and interesting sights of Pinsk are situated underground. Remains of an ancient castle are hidden under the main square of the city, it is stated so on the memorial plague with the inscription ‘Adsyul pachynausya nash gorad nad Pіnay’.

Various music festivals are held here such as the International Folklore Festival ‘Paleski Karagod’, in which citizens and tourists not only enjoy music performances, but also get acquainted with the traditions of the region. Equally popular are other festivals and celebrations such as ‘Voices of Polesie’ and the festival of guitar music ‘Korolevskaya fiesta’


Accommodation in Pinsk

A couple of hotels and motels, farmsteads and sanatoriums are available for accommodation.



The leading economy sectors of the city are timber and woodworking industries, light industry, food industry, machine building, metal processing, flour, cereals and feed industries. Chemical, microbiological and printing are also present in Pinsk. There are more than 50 industrial enterprises, 20 joint ventures and 4 foreign companies. Pinsk is a town-exporter. The shares of industrial enterprises accounted for nearly 98% of exports. More than 45% of products manufactured in the city are exported to 35 countries abroad. Russia is one of the most important economic partners for Pinsk.

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