
Minsk photographer wins nomination of Sony World Photography Awards 2015

Irina Dajnakova became one of the world's best photographers

Belarusian photographer Irina Dajnakova became one of the winners in the professional category of Sony World Photography Awards 2015 in nomination “Sports”

The judging panel awarded Irina Dajnakova the 2nd prize for her photo series “Children in sports”

Belarusian photographer Irina Dajnakova became one of the winners in the professional category of Sony World Photography Awards 2015 in nomination “Sports”, the photo portal reports.

Her work was selected from 87 000 applicants in professional category. The series of Irina Dajnakova is presented on display of the winners at Somerset House (London, the United Kingdom of Great Britain).

In 2015 for the first time in 8-year history of the world’s best contemporary photography competition Sony World Photography Awards has received a record number of entries – 173 444 photos from 171 countries, that is 24% more in comparison with the last year.

“The main purpose of the Sony World Photography Awards competition is to find and encourage talented people, who work in the sphere of photography. The shortlist demonstrates the vibrancy, diversity and skill of both today’s established photographers and, as importantly, the growing army of citizen photographers for whom the awards the competition may become a door in the world of professional photography,” Creative Director of the World Photography Organization and the organizer of the competition Astrid Merget Motsenigos noted.


Photo series “Children in sports” by Irina Dajnakova

The winning and shortlisted images are showcased at Somerset House, London from 24 April till 10 May and will be published in the 2015 edition of the  the Sony World Photography Awards book.


Photo series “Children in sports” by Irina Dajnakova

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Pictures by Euroradio.

About Anna Moskvina (28 Articles)
Journalist, writer and web content editor. Graduated from the Belarusian State University where studied Romance and Germanic Philology and achieved English Literature MA. Interested in creative writing and translations in travel and tourism, social and cultural spheres of Belarus.

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