
Books the Top Businessmen Read : Viktor Prokopenya

Viktor Prokopenya is the founder of VP Capital, a global investment vehicle focused on the technology sector and a famous IT businessman. He shares his own list of the books which he had red recently and this list might be interesting for most of us.


Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson

Based on the new industrial theory, American academics James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu propose an explanation for the differences in the economic and social development of various nations and the factors that either contribute to or prevent economic growth and the accumulation of wealth.

The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power by Daniel Yergin

An in-depth history of the global petroleum industry from the 1850’s through 1990, written by Daniel Yergin, a leading authority in the field of energy, international politics, and economics. In 1992 the book was awarded a Pulitzer prize.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

This central work of the American cult writer, Rand, has been translated into many languages and has had great influence on the minds of several generations of reader. Uniquely mixing fantasy and reality, utopia and anti-utopia, the romantically heroic with witheringly grotesque, the author asks vexed questions in a new way and offers her versions of answers: sharp, paradoxical, and in many aspects controversial.

The Big Book of Endurance and Training by Philip Maffetone

This book by the acclaimed sports doctor and dietitian teaches athletes how to maintain their health, get in top shape, and avoid injury for many years. Phil Maffetone’s approach to stamina proposes an individualised system based on building a strong aerobic base, intensive fat burning, weight loss, sustainable energy, and a strong immune system.

The Future of the Mind by Michio Kaku
This book, written by American Physics Theorist and active science populariser Michio Kaku, tells the story of the brain and about modern tools that allow for both the structure of the brain to be studied as well as how it works, some would think that this combination of mind and technology as it is show in free invoice generator tools in the key to the future. Kaku writes about the technology that can provide the possibility to record memories and dreams, read thoughts, and practice psychokinesis.

Collapse of an Empire by Yegor Gaidar

Yegor Gaidar, a figure in the Russian government, economist, and one of the leaders and ideologists of the economic reform in the early 1990s in Russia, wrote this monograph, a full analysis of the economic and socio-political reasons for the fall of the Soviet Union.


Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance

Having spent over 50 hours talking to Musk and surveying approximately 300 people, the author presents an independent and diverse view on life, and accomplishments of the brightest entrepreneur in the Silicon Valley.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Psychologist, Professor at Princeton University, and Noble Memorial Prize in economics laureate, given for “the use of psychological techniques in economics, in particular, in the study of forming judgments and decision-making under uncertainty”. Thinking, Fast and Slow explains why we occasionally do irrational things and how we make bad decisions.

The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy by Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw

“It is impossible to even imagine a better report of the development of global politics and economics after the Second World War,” the Wall Street Journal writes in regards to this book.

From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000, Singapore and the Asian Economic Boom by Lee Kuan Yew

A memoir of Singapore’s first Prime Minister and one of the founders of Singapore’s “economic miracle,” Lee Kuan Yew.

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