
The girl of the day. A new biathlete of the Belarusian national team

On 21 October, it became known that Russian biathlete Kristina Ilchenko will be a member of the Belarusian national biathlon women’s team. In Russia, everyone called Kristina the most beautiful biathlete in the country. Let’s get acquainted with her

2015-10-23 // 0 Comments

Darya Domracheva starts Race of Legends in Raubichy this Saturday

On 12th September the ‘Race of legends – Biathlon stars for peace’ sport festival will take place in Raubichy. Darya Domracheva is the events organiser and the festival will be attended by the likes of Greis, Fisher, Olofsson amongst other guests.

2015-09-10 // 0 Comments