
Andrey Stas has been called the best hockey player of the season in Belarus

The newspaper “Pressball” conducted a traditional survey to find out who is the best hockey player in Belarus of the season 2015/2016

207 respondents were supposed to name three best hockey players of Belarus (including those who had played in the foreign clubs), according to their opinion. After the poll, it was defined that the best hockey player in Belarus of the season 2015/2016 is the forward of the Nizhnekamsky “Neftehimik” and the national team of Belarus Andrey Stas, who scored 441 points (119 first places, 31 second and 22 third places).

The second place got the naturalized forward of CSKA Moscow and the national team of Belarus Geoff Platt – 252 (49, 42, 21). The third place got the forward of “Dinamo” Minsk and the national team of Belarus Andrey Stepanov – 126 (15, 29, 23). None of the top three (Kalujni, Lalande, A.Kostitsyn) managed to reach this level after a year, according to the results.
The poll has been carried out according to the traditional scheme: 3 points are given for the first place, 2 – for the second, 1 – for the third place. During the poll the participants gave the surnames of 43 hockey players (7 goalkeepers, 13 defenders and 23 forwards), presenting 19 clubs.

In most cases the representatives of “Dinamo” Minsk named 14 players. The second place – according to the number of the mentioned above candidates “Yunost” – (6 hockey players). Then follow “Shahter” – (5 hockey players), “Gomel” and “Neftehimik” (KHL) – 2, “New York Islanders” (HNL), “Rockford”, “Lake – Eire”, “Albony” (all – AHL), CSKA, “Sochi”, “Torpedo”, “Spartak”, “Traktor”, “Severstal” (all – KHL), “Neftyanik” (VHL), “Vasteras” (Sweden), “Dinamo” – Molodechno and “Brest” – 1 each.

Right after the three of the strongest ones there are:

Evgeniy Lisovets (“Dinamo” KHL) – 46 points,
Mikhail Grabovski (“New York Islanders”, NHL) – 43,
Andrey Kostitsyn (“Sochi”, KHL) – 42,
Aleksey Kalujni (“Dinamo” KHL) – 34,
Sergey Kostitsyn (“Torpedo”, KHL) – 32,
Kristian Henkel (“Yunost”) – 24,
Dmitriy Korobov (“Spartak”, KHL) – 22,
Nick Bailen, Artur Gavrus (both of them – “Dinamo” KHL) – 18 each,
Vladimir Denisov (“Traktor”, KHL) – 15,
Alexander Kitarov (“Neftehimik”, KHL) – 14,
Roman Dyukov (“Yunost”) – 12,
Vitali Koval (“Vesteras”, Sweden) – 10,
Charles Linglet, Dmitriy Milchakov ( both – “Dinamo” KHL) – 9 each,
Kirill Gotovec (“Rockford” AHL) – 8,
Nikita Yadroyez (“Neftyanik” VHL) – 6,
Vitali Belinsky (“Dinamo”), Igor Brikun (“Gomel”), Artyom Demkov (“Shahter”) – 5 each.
Maksim Malutin (“Shahter”), Alexander Pavlovich (“Dinamo” KHL), Pavel Razvadovsky (“Yunost”) – 4 each,
Viktor Andrushchenko, Maksim Sushko, Yaroslav Chupris (all – “Shahter”), Oleg Evenko (“Lake – Eire” AHL), Ivan Kulbakov (“Gomel”), Evgeny Kovyrshin (“Severstal KHL), Kevin Lalande (“Dinamo” KHL) – 3 each,
Dmitry Ambrozheichik, Ivan Usenko (both – “Dinamo” KHL), Anton Eliseenko (“Yunost”) – 2 each,
Roman Graborenko (“Albany” AHL), Dmitriy Znaharenko, Konstantin Koltsov, Andrey Filichkin (all – “Dinamo” KHL), Maksim Parfeevets, Alexander Ryadinski (both – “Yunost”), Egor Smolin (“Brest”) – 1 each.

It should be reminded that earlier FHRB also recognised Stas to be the best hockey player in Belarus of the last season.

About Yuri Drazdow (79 Articles)
Yuri Drazdow is the founder and owner of The Minsk Herald. He is also a journalist specialising in area of business and politics. He has degrees in Journalism and Software Engineering and has been working on media and IT projects in Minsk and London.
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